The Costs and Benefits of Trauma: How individual trauma heals collectively

16. How Dark Humor Can Help Process Trauma

Lorie Hood, PhD Season 1 Episode 16

Comedian/Firefighter Jason Patton and Dr. Hood discuss how "Dark Humor" may help people process the stressful and potentially traumatic things that they experience. 

Jason Patton @firedepartmentchronicles started making short videos about firefighter life at his station. He often jokes about how the first lesson he learned was how NOT to include his department logo in the shots (as per his unhappy but very cool Chief).

From those department shorts to one of the most recognizable faces on social media, Jason uses humor to tackle the most difficult topics in the emergency responder family. He will make you laugh your butt off however, make no mistake, Jason is a true advocate who is doing very important work supporting suicide prevention and mental health within the first responder community.

His mission? "To Make Mental Health Cool"